
Women should be more involved in all stages of innovation

In order to prepare for a digital future that works for everyone, more female engagement is essential at all phases of the tech product and policy creation process, according to innovators and industry professionals. Sandrine Chauvin, LinkedIn’s EMEA Director, said at the G20 Women’s Forum in Milan in October that women were significantly underrepresented in

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Farmers may utilize AI to estimate crops with the help of RawData

Every day, we highlight a new business. Today’s winner is RawData from Spain, a start-up that uses AI to assist farmers. Farmers are finding it more difficult to anticipate their yield as a result of climate change. RawData, a Spanish start-up, maps data from agricultural areas and utilizes artificial intelligence to create forecasts. Albert Duaigües,

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Developing an AI-powered business

The Fourth Edition of the State of AI in the Enterprise Few businesses are fully AI-powered now, but a sizable and growing percentage are exhibiting the behaviors that will lead them there. What can we learn from cutting-edge companies’ practices? Who is now dominating the AI market? AI-enabled companies use data as a resource and

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One of chemistry’s most significant approaches is tackled by DeepMind AI.

Using electron density, a machine-learning algorithm predicts material properties. A team lead by scientists at DeepMind, a London-based artificial-intelligence company, has developed a machine-learning model that predicts the distribution of electrons within a molecule to infer its properties. The method, which was published in Science1 on December 10th, can calculate the properties of particular molecules

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Addressing the Gender and Racial Wage Gaps with Data Science

In 2021, women in the Boston area earned 70 cents for every dollar earned by men. According to a recent report from the Boston Women’s Workforce Council (BWWC), the overall gender wage gap in the Boston area has not changed in the last two years. However, identifying an issue is frequently the first move forward

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